What Is A Hiking Backpack?

A hiking backpack is a type of bag use by hikers to carry load easily on there back when traveling on foot.  The three main parts of a hiking bag are the pouch, shoulder straps and the closer.
Depending on the make, different types of material can be used to make the pouch of the bag. Fabrics that are commonly used are nylon, polyester, cotton, canvas and PVC plastic. 

Shoulder straps are made for each shoulder and are generally made of the same materials mention. Connecting to the top of the bag and runs down to the lower part of the sack or pouch, straps are normally padded at the upper half for comfort and cushioning of the weight.

he third main part of the bag is the closer. Closers are opening in the bag to get things in and out and to prevent your load from falling out. Closers can be made of zippers, drawstring or with snap buttons.

Different types of Hiking Backpack

When shopping these are the three different types of hiking backpacks you will come across, the frameless, external-frame backpacks and the internal-frame backpacks.

Frameless backpacks

Frameless backpacks are usually lighter and simpler in comparison to the other two types of backpacks and it cost way less too.
The downside to this bag is that they are not built to carry a lot of load for extended periods. So when using a frameless backpack make sure you are carrying the bare essential.

Things you need to know about frame backpacks
  • They don’t distribute weight evenly
  • Limiting weight capacity
  • Ideal for one day hikes and Short Mountain ascend.
  • Its ultralight
  • They can be waterproof, or water-resistant

 External-Frame Backpacks

Design specifically for hunters and hikers alike, it is built with an external frame that is made of aluminum or lightweight material. This frame allows an even transfer of weight on your back, which results in you carrying more load over a longer distance.

Things you need to know about external frame backpacks
  • Unpack they are fairly heavy
  • You can be thrown off balance if the frame hits a branch or small tree
  • The can carry close to 100 pound
  • It is cooler. An external frame allow more air to pass between the backpack n your back
  • Its equip to carry your tent and sleeping
  • It can feel difficult to carry or maneuver in small places

Internal-Frame Backpack

Also heavier than the frameless backpack, an internal-frame backpack is built within the bag and keeps the shape of the bag. The way this bag is design, it makes the load feels lighter even though you are carrying a lot of weight around.

Things you need to know about internal-frame backpack       
  • The frame distributes the weight evenly
  • It fits closer to your back, which minimize the shifting of weight.
  • It improves your upper body mobility 
  • Because the frame fits closer to your back, this limits the flow of air. This intern causes you to sweat and feel hot.
  • Compare to an external frame backpack it cost more
  • This is a better option to carry more loads if you plan to commute on a bus, car train or plane.
  • The weight is shifted lower down your back, so you have to lean forward for better balance.


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